March 18, 2009

Use Fed-Ex, Young Skywalker

Carl, our Fed-Ex guy, poses mid-duel on the lower deck
of the Death Star throne room.

The number of packages going out every day has gotten a bit out of hand so we started scheduling regular pickups from Fed-Ex. It's normally Carl who swings by-- who has fast become a bit like family, even if only for a few seconds a day.

Last month he gave us his cell phone number for emergency pickups, but we had a better idea, which was to throw up a sign in the window signaling a need for pickup, as we are on his regular route.

The "Carl Signal" was Farrell's idea, and I have been dying to make it happen for a while now.

This oughta get him outta the Carl Cave.

Today I finally had all the right ingredients for a very brief photo shoot: Light Saber, Digital Camera, & Carl. When I handed him the light saber, he was like, "Who put you up to this?"

Don't pretend like we don't know, Carl.

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